7 Responses

  • Wes, you are one funny guy … crowd clapping enthusiastically.

    Great videos and Ryne, thank you for the detailed report of the team. It was a real thrill to see Cutter's race pace right in front of you with Boris loping along like he was after a rabbit.

  • Wes and Wendy — Fantastic job on race coverage! I know that everyone really appreciates your work very much… But I have to add that I personally "appreciate" what you've gone through at a whole other level! Impossible conditions, dynamic circumstances, frozen fingers, dead batteries, no internet… You just can't make that stuff up… and no matter how hard you try, there's no way to accurately describe what it's like to anyone who's never been there, done that… Good on ya!

  • Most hilarious understatement of the season… Ryne: "My lead dog (Stormy) is very right handed!"

    Seriously, LMAO… I remember mushing Stormy across a frozen lake in the ANWR… We MUST have gone three extra miles around the outer right rim… Aliy was waiting on the other side, laughing out loud…

    But you gotta love Stormy… Honest as the day is long, great work ethic and a helluva bag dog… Not to mention THE BEST hugger in the yard!

  • Love it all – the narration, the captions, and the great video of the trail. I think those cheers from the crowd came from all of your online fans!.

  • Thanks Linda!

    Macgellan, it has been great to be here doing this. We heard that you set the bar when it came to keeping the blog updated. Wendy and I are just trying to reach it. Glad you are enjoying staying informed.


  • How about top 3 Alliy – Iditarod
    top 3 Allen – Quest
    & Ryne – Rookie of the Year
    Gooooo SP:)

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