Both SP Kennel Teams continue to hold the 1st and 2nd place spots in the race after the first 100 miles.

Aliy arrived at Kersher’s Cabin Checkpoint at 1:12 AM and left at 7:15 AM this morning with 12 dogs. She dropped Rambler, Roy,and Sissy. These were planned drops as the dogs needed the miles in their training routine, but were not up in miles to complete a full 300 mile race.

Ryne arrived in Kersher’s Cabin at 1:31, and left at 7:31 AM with 11 dogs. Moonpie, Chemo, and Rose were left behind. Moonpie was having a great run until he stepped in a moose hole (we think), and now has a sore foot. The others were planned drops, as they were getting race miles and/or experience.

Both Ryne and Aliy had a good rest at the checkpoint and re-energized with food. Aliy said she was really happy with the trail since it’s a new one for her. Both she and Ryne camped out along the trail for about 2.5 hours. The camping was so useful for the dogs they gave an extra thirty minutes between Nowhere and Hal Morgan’s Cabin Checkpoints.

Aliy and Ryne are both headed back South to Willow. Wes is taking the dropped dogs back down to Willow where they will enjoy their breakfast and a nice bed of straw.

3 Responses

  • Way to go Aliy and Ryne and the fantastic dog teams. Great job.
    Cheering all on from a distance.
    Maureen from Vancouver Island

  • Wow, both Aliy and Ryne are posting great times. Way to go! And thanks for the updates to the website.

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