Wes and Wendy Brightman are world travelers spending this year in Alaska. They are volunteering at SP Kennels for our 2011/12 season. They will be writing an update every other Monday for the blog spot.

It’s been great weather since we arrived in the beginning of October- cool and crisp, sunny and pleasant, just the right type of weather to take the “Latino” puppies out to the field and play. We experienced little evidence of the cold harshness of the North. Suddenly, the temperatures dropped and it was dark in the morning when we got up. Our first light fluffy snow happened last week. It was a bit wet and perfect for snowballs, which we tried out on unsuspecting people in the dog yard.

With the appearance of snow, our activities suddenly changed from “preparing” for snow, to working in the snow. The dogs all got their new straw; the wheel barrow was sent to the shed for storage; and a sled appeared to carry water buckets from the “winter water” in the main house to the dog yard. This makes feeding time so much easier, especially with our new feeding deck near the dogs.

Though it is snowy out and 15 degrees during the day, we don’t quite have enough snow to pull out the dog sleds. We have about 4” of snow and continue to use the ATVs to work the dogs during their training runs. We are looking forward to more snow this week, and hope that maybe by the weekend we’ll get 3-4 more inches as predicted. It looks like it’s going to be a great season.

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