John Baker of Kotzebue, Alaska wins the 2011 Iditarod. He broke Martin Buser’s record by 3 hours, making this the fastest Iditarod ever. Baker is the 1st Inupiat to win the race and is the 1st Alaska Native to win since Jerry Riley won in 1976. I have never seen so many people at the finish line to welcome in the winner. It is a huge day for the Iditarod, Alaska and the Alaska Native community.

6 Responses

  • Awesome day for the Naitve Alaskan community and for the rest of us watching online.

    Love the Aliycam, thanks for sharing your experience! Will continue to follow SP!

  • Great racing by John. Definitely one for the record books, even if it wasn't the five-in-a-row record that people were predicting. Inspiring to watch.

    Now let's bring those SPK teams home! Guessing about a 2 AM finish for the RED TEAM…

    Go Aliy, Allen & Dogs!

  • It was a great win for him. I've followed John for many years along with a few others including Aliy and Dee Dee.

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