9 Responses

  • Wooo,
    We got a new videographer on crew!
    Nice lettering too…
    Can't wait to meet Ryne.
    *By the way, what's "tripe" made of again?

  • Believe it or not, the fish bones don't seem to hinder the dogs at all. I'm afraid they get this trait from the "wild side" genetically of their family tree. On the other hand, they get their ability to cuddle on a couch from their "domesticated side" genetically of their family tree. Cuddling AFTER a fish snack is a little Poo-pooed at SP K however.

  • I'm glad someone asked about the fish bones and I'm very glad you answered, Aliy! I've been wondering that as well. Do the fish bones have any impact on the dogs' digestive systems? I know fish bones are more "delicate" than say, chicken bones which of course are a big no no for dogs, but I'm wondering if it bothers them at all, any health risks (is it even possible for fish bones to pose similar risks as chicken bones?) or if there's some sort of adjustment their bodies need to go through.

    Thank you, Aliy for sharing your videos, your blog, and taking the time to reply to questions & comments. It's always a treat to get a further glimpse inside the mushing world from a musher. 🙂

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