We’ve been rotating dogs on the couch all day. As you can see, Cha has clearly figured out how to orient her longest dimension with that of the couch. Petunia either hasn’t quite figured it out or just doesn’t care!

We’re all still a bit “in recovery” but also on the mend. After another day or so, everyone — human and canine — with be jumping to go run again!

I’ll be wrapping up our Iditarod 2010 coverage with two more “Aliy Cam” posts tomorrow… Stay tuned!

10 Responses

  • I love this photo! Cha Cha has mastered the "couch potato" look – I hope she regains strength for more racing!


  • This is Petunia's "Downward Dog" pose. Congratulations on making it to Nome this year.

  • Truely a 'dog first' kennel! Even when it comes to the couch!!! LOL
    Hopefully, the humans have some comfortable places to relax as well.

  • Love it! If you bought them a reclining sectional, you could fit more dogs on it, and Petunia could use the foot rest as her pillow! (works in my house!)

  • Petunia — 'I'm melting, I'm melting!!! Oh – wait – I just ran out of couch! LOL

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