CB website wrong, Aliy still here for 8 hour. Huey was second dropped
dog, front sprain. All others good, eating and resting well. Allen
resting, team resting, all well. Bridgett due in soon. Crossed fingers
for cell signal. More as soon as…

3 Responses

  • Thanks so much for the updates!

    What happens between when a dog gets injured and when the dog gets dropped at a checkpoint? Does the musher continue running the dog (I see enough active, happy-looking three-legged dogs to get that it's possible)? Or does the dog ride? Is sled riding part of what the dogs are trained to do?

  • Phew!! I was beginning to worry about them since a bunch of other teams were pulling into Paxson!! Thank goodness. Poor Huey, but yay Happy! She is such an inspiration!!

  • I'm so glad that Aliy is not MIA! I was getting worried.
    Here is to getting some good rest for all!

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