While cleaning up my media files from the weekend, I found this video clip. Mostly it’s just a scene of chaos at the start of a race full of young dogs, but I think it also offers an interesting little insight for you.

First, you’ll notice right away that Aliy is actually stuck in one spot, giving one-on-one “guidance” to young Hank. This is most unusual, I assure you, and something that would never happen with a pro team race. If you watch the left side of the frame, you’ll see that Teddy — the consummate professional sled dog — seems to get in the spirit of her young swing partner Hummer’s mischief. So much so that you’ll see Aliy give her a stern word to get back in line. Teddy is instantly chagrinned at being “busted” by the boss, of course, though she gets over it pretty quickly.

Their corresponding swing position dogs on the other team have a similar little comedy going on. Tony — another consummate professional — has his bark on and is misbehaving in line to match the behavior of his young swing partner Honda. I swear you can see Teddy look at Tony’s antics and then look at Aliy as if to say, “Hey!… How come you’re not busting him?”

Could it be that even the most senior, professional sled dogs can be corrupted by the folly of youth? See for yourself:

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