I hope you’re checking the Dog Log over your morning coffee or breakfast, because here’s something I think you might find is perfect for starting your day.

Aliy handed me her camera this evening and said, “I shot some stuff while I was feeding the dogs yesterday morning. Maybe you can do something with it.” When I got back to my Mac and looked at the footage, I was stunned. Do something with it? It’s beautiful, downright poetic. If this keeps up, Aliy’s going to put me out of work!

A little editing, a few transitions, a little tweaking of the soundtrack and adding some perfect background music by my good friend Stephen Jacob was all it took. I hope you enjoy Aliy’s way of sharing her morning routine with you!

10 Responses

  • The still picture is Christmas card perfect! Absolutely beautiful! Thanks, Aliy, for taking the time amidst all your chores to do this video about what it's like in the darkness of Alaska! Macgellan, the music is beautiful!

  • Having my morning coffee and checking the doglog just like you assumed. Lot of hungry dawgs you got there! I assume they only get a hot meal during the long races? But what about water at the dog houses? I know here in MT it freezes instantly.

  • The dogs actually get a hot meal at every feeding, using hot water right out of the faucet. It's sure a lot more convenient that way than having to heat it up on the trail! They get lots of liquid in their meals, plus a hot, soupy snack after they run, so they stay pretty well hydrated without trying to keep water at their houses… Which would be impossible.

  • Geeze…am I the only one that had tears in their coffee cup this morning?? I found the video of the dogs being fed their breakfast very touching and beautiful. I'm glad you posted this because it leads me to a question I've been wanting to ask. When what and where you guys eat? It seems everyone at the kennel is so busy, who has time to cook a healthy sit down meal? I think a video of you all at meal time would be most interesting!

  • Hi Lynn – Thanks, we're glad you liked it… We thought you might. I'm afraid a video of us "at meal time" would be pretty disappointing… and brief! On occasion we "eat together" but mostly there's a crock pot of "moose and something" or "caribou and something" stew on the kitchen counter, and when any of us has a minute we dip into it and wolf it down. A friend of mine who visited last season summed it up when he said, "Frankly, you people live like savages. Unbelievably long hours in unbearably dark and cold conditions. Eating when you have a minute, crapping in outhouses at 40 below, putting the dogs ahead of yourselves every minute of the day… I've never seen such engaged, happy and fulfilled people in my life." So, there you have it. "A healthy sit down meal?" Not so much…. More like enough hot calories in the shortest time possible to get back outside and work with the dogs. Please don't tell my mom… Oops, too late! — Mac

  • I can see it now – instead of "fill Allen's snack sack" it will be "fill the freezer with homecooked meals". Even so, finding the actual time to eat between chores sounds like the real battle.

    But give us the inside dirt Macgellan – who's the better cook? Allen or Aliy?

    Also, I can't imagine there's such a thing as pizza delivery – unless it's delivered by dogsled and gets reheated upon arrival!

    It's a shame retired sled dogs can't learn to be good housekeepers.

  • Wait, OUTHOUSES?

    Year round?

    Silly question perhaps, but do you have running water indoors duing the winter?

    (It's in the 40s in NYC today and I'm cranky at the cold.)

  • I thought that might get your attention! Aliy and Allen have indoor plumbing, hot and cold running water, etc. in their house. Many of us in the area — including yours truly — live in "dry cabins" or in my case a "dry camper." It's too cold to keep plumbing working unless you've got a really well built and insulated house/cabin like Aliy and Allen. So, yes, for many of us it's an outhouse all year round. I've actually got a port-a-pottie. If you're interested, let me know… I could do a little "this is my life at SP Kennel" video… Did I mention I live like a savage? — Mac

  • Hey Lisa — You know I'm not going to cut myself off from an important meal source by saying who's the better cook. Allen and Aliy both make hot, tasty meals and I'm happy to eat them whenever I can. As for pizza… Well, there was a guy in the area last year who would make 'em for pick up, but he's gone. We've got a "cafe" two miles down the road where you can get pretty good chow most of the time, and a "lodge" about five miles the other way where you can get food, too. We go out about once a week… Mostly just to have a change of venue. Personally, I eat a lot of soup in my camper. Sometimes I think Stella eats better than I do. Maybe I'll try her kibble one day… — Mac

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