This is my second season shooting video with Aliy, and I think you’ll agree we’ve worked out a pretty good “opposite sides of the camera” routine. Sometimes we talk briefly about what we’re going to shoot, but mostly I just hit the record button and what you see is what we got.

With rare exception, Aliy does an amazing job of getting it in one “take” and although it’s not always quite as easy as it may look, I pretty generally only have to trim a little footage off the beginning and end to make the final video.

With that in mind, we set out today to shoot some video of Aliy with the “Mystery Pups.” Our idea was to do a series of short “Meet The Pups” videos, similar to the many “Meet The Dogs” videos you’ve seen here before.

I expected the filming to be a little “rough” but what happened turned out to be pure chaos. At first we tried a few re-starts, but it soon became clear that I should just let the camera roll and “fix it in post” as they say. As I started reviewing the footage, though, I realized there was no way I was going to be able to “fix” it.

As I kept looking through the footage, I kept laughing about how funny it all was. I thought you might enjoy seeing the whole episode, so here it is: “Meet The Mystery Pups — Uncut!”

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