We brought the pups inside for a while this morning and had a grand time with them.

Scooter was active and outgoing, especially enjoying time laying on Allen’s chest.

Smoe played hard then crashed for a perfect little puppy nap.

Sissy has the best mustache in the Kennel… Perhaps in the entire dog universe! (We hope her doggie friends don’t tease her about it.)

And then there’s Spoog… What more can you say than “Too cute!”

All the pups are doing very well and growing like crazy! Pepper is a very good mom, and all the dogs are helping to socialize the pups in the Kennel pack. Stay tuned for future Pupdates!

2 Responses

  • Just beautiful. They've gotten so big in 5 weeks! What a mustache for a "girl" dog.

    When you have the time, an explanation of "nursery" accommodations would be great. For instance, did Pepper get moved into the garage or house shortly before you expected her to give birth? How long will she and the pups live together? How long do the pups live with each other in the puppy corner of the dog yard before they graduate to having houses of their own?

    This may not apply in Pepper's case, but how long until a momma dog would start training for racing again?

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