5 Responses

  • Super cute pups – they look a bit older than Sissy, Smoe, Spoog and Scooter – of course, as fast as pups grow it's hard to tell for sure.

    Does puppy Mac happen to be named after anyone we all know and love, like Macgellan perhaps?

    Looking forward to hearing the story of "unsanctioned" love. Aliy can't be too hard on herself, I mean they are dogs after all and just following natural instinct. They don't understand chastity and celibacy.

  • No… Sorry… The pups are all named after tennis pros and Mac is named for John McEnroe… He's a great pup, though, and I'd be happy to pretend!

  • Am I seeing a little Bonita in there?
    When do we find out who the proud parents are…
    Mazel Tov

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