I was getting ready to take Stella and Tig out for their afternoon romp when Aliy said she was ready for a break and suggested we take the puppies out for a walk, too.

Although the pups mostly stay in a pen with their mother Pepper, they have been allowed to romp around the dog yard for brief periods. As you know, they also have been in the house from time to time. Today, however, was their first official “walk” down the driveway and out into the big field.

As you will see, the video is pretty chaotic. Frankly, I spent most of the time with the camera down at knee level, shooting freehand and hoping for the best. Add to that the fact that Aliy and I are both using our best — i.e. most idiotic — puppy-attention-getting voices. Plus, Tig and Stella tried their best to get our attention… Well, let’s just leave it at being chaotic.

The video turned out, however, to have some really great puppy moments. So, I decided to abandon any efforts at editing and have just strung the clips together.

Bottom line: If you like puppy videos, we think you’re gonna love this one!

6 Responses

  • They run like they know there is an Iditarod in their future!

    Too cute, keep shooting those puppies.

  • They're adorable. Funny how independent the one dark pup is and how don't-leave-me-alone one of the whites is in contrast.

    When do you start looking for racing potential? And what are you looking for, initially?

  • Loved the video! My own 5 house dogs were very concerned with all of the whimpering. Either that or they were concerned they were getting a new friend!

  • How cute! I had wondered when a good age would be to take my pups outside and get them started on following. They are four weeks today, so this has been great to see! Thanks for sharing!

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