A friend just mentioned to me the other day, “You better get some good outside pictures now, because you know the day light is nearly gone.”

Yearly, I forget about this winter predicament – until it is well upon us. In Alaska, as winter progresses, the closer you live to the North Pole, the shorter the day light hours. The sun dips lower and lower down the horizon.
Sunrise at 9:30am October 24th

October is the month that we lose the most daylight. Over 7 minutes a day, at times – that’s nearly an hour in a week. So, you can see how it sneaks up on me!
We try to keep to our daily routine. Feed the dogs a healthy breakfast in the morning, let them digest, and begin training. Of course, as the days go by, this breakfast falls closer and closer “to the dark side”. Soon, one of the most useful Alaskan winter tools will become essential…. the headlight. From late October until mid March, most of our “mug shots” will include that familiar head piece.
Allen and Mom
Bridgett and Happy