As you can see, Aliy had a very good run last night and arrived in Grayling at 3:30 this morning. She is still there, and Bridgett speculates she will stay for her mandatory 8-hour Yukon rest. She has dropped another dog, but still has plenty of power. So, Aliy continues to do very, very well and we are all really excited for her!

Allen is out of Iditarod and cruising down the trail, still with 13 dogs! I’ve got a feeling that he’s going to make some kind of move pretty soon and can’t wait to see what it is. Allen has so much energy on the sled that it always seems to inspire his dogs. So, keep your eye on him!

I’m off to Nome… Go teams!

One Response

  • SP Kennel,
    Hi! What a great website/blog you have. This is the first time that I have visited your site. Hats off to you, the person who manages this website. It is great!
    I heard Aliy speak at the Summer Teacher’s Conference in June of 2007 and meet her for the first time. She is such a neat person and has the best smile. What a great musher! Go Aliy!
    I teach school and the little guy who has her for his musher will love this site. I will pass it along to him.
    Congrats on a great site! Good Luck Aliy and Allen. We’re rooting you on!

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