I have just returned from my 24+ hour mission to Macgrath, during which I also spent some time in Takotna. Here’s a quick recap and preview:

My flight arrived in McGrath at 9:30 yesterday morning and I walked about a mile to the checkpoint. I was able to confirm that Aliy had blown through the night before and find out that she was already in Takotna. Allen was on the trail and not due into McGrath until later in the day. I asked around about hitching a ride to Takotna and the local constable said, “I think Mike is getting ready to fly there now. Hop in and I’ll give you a lift.” Within minutes we pulled up to a Cessna 206 into which some folks were loading and my “driver” asked if there was another seat available. The pilot replied in the affirmative, and just like that I was airborne for the 20 minute flight to Takotna.

Upon arrival, I found the “A-Team” dogs parked and resting comfortably. I had the urge to rush up and smooch them all, but left them to rest and went in search of Aliy. She actually wasn’t easy to find considering how small Takotna is, but as I looked around the tiny local library I saw her red poncho hanging on a bookshelf. Familiar mukluks and a unique water bottle confirmed that the blob on the floor was Aliy. She was sleeping soundly so I left her alone and wandered around the checkpoint for a couple of hours. About 30 minutes before I needed to catch my plane ride back to McGrath, I checked on her again and found that she was stirring a bit. We chatted for a few minutes and — despite her self-proclaimed “miserable appearance” — she agreed to let me film something for you.

When I got back to McGrath I hustled down to the checkpoint again, hoping to catch Allen coming in, but he had already gone through. Doug — Aliy’s dad — was there however, and he got some footage. After that it was simply a case of being marooned in McGrath overnight, so Doug and I passed some time in the cafe, more time at the checkpoint and a little bit of time catching naps. Along the way I picked up some tid bits that you may find interesting.

Here’s what’s in store: I’ve got a ton of “stuff” for you! I will post it all just as fast as I can process it, hopefully starting within an hour or so. As usual, I will try to post the “highlights” first and fill in the picture after that. So stay tuned!

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