As soon as I got back to McGrath yesterday afternoon, I hustled down to the checkpoint in hopes of being there for Allen’s arrival. I was disappointed to learn that I had missed him racing through by an hour, but pleased to realize that he was running so fast. I asked one of the checkpoint volunteers how Allen and his team looked, and was given a very good report that is the first part of this video. The second part of the video is a real surprise bonus, because it turns out that Doug — Aliy’s father — was at the checkpoint in the nick of time and caught Allen’s departure!

So, here are two “views” of Allen through McGrath. I think you’ll agree that he and his 13 dogs look really good!

(Note: I’ll take a close look at the video to see if I can figure out which two dogs he dropped in Nikolai and try to get a report on them. I can already tell you that Beemer is still on the Trail!!!)

One Response

  • Yay, Beemer! Keep it up! What a great little youngster! Glad to hear Allen’s team looked “the best so far today”!

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