If it seems to you like the Iditarod Checkpoint Drop Bag process has been going on forever, you’re not alone… It seems that way to all of us here at the Kennel, too! Finally, all of the “stuff” — dog food, snacks, mushing gear, personal items, etc. — has been packed in the Drop Bags and we wrap up the process in this video.

After Aliy’s sister Kaz laces up the bags, they’re loaded into a couple of full-size pick-up trucks and driven to the collection point in Fairbanks where they are put on skids, wrapped in plastic and loaded onto big trucks for shipment out to the checkpoints. As you will see, Aliy and Allen get into a little more of their light-hearted banter, which is always a treat! The Drop Bag process has been such a huge “Iditarod Logistics” project that we’re just ecstatic to have it behind us. So, we invite you to join us in our accomplishment as we all see it through to “The End!”

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