You know that comfy feeling you get when you’ve just put fresh linens on your bed? How about when there’s a knock on your hotel room door and the cheerful voice says “Housekeeping!” and you know your bedding is about to be freshened? Well, it’s like that for the dogs around the Kennel when we give them fresh straw for their dog houses every week or so.

Mostly, the fresh straw provides insulation that the dog burrow in to ward off the cold. Partly, though, it is soft and fresh smelling which just makes their life a little more comfortable.

My friend Ron arrived from Seattle on Friday and we all thought “strawing the dogs” would be a good way for him to get to meet all of them. So, of course, I shot some footage as Ron and I played chambermaids for the dogs. This video shows you yet another “behind the scenes” aspect of Kennel life, one which we have called “Housekeeping!”