In Aliy’s recent audio post, she talked about her design for the Kennel and how she wanted to make sure the dog’s could have fun and play together when they are not out running. It’s really a pretty sweet set up for them, and every dog has at least two neighbors who are close enough that their tethers allow them to visit, sniff, joust, flirt or whatever. The older dogs tend to have pretty sedate relationships with their neighbors, but the yearlings and especially the puppies seem to be going at it with each other all the time.

So, it was with some surprise that I walked out to the dog yard this morning and found two pups — Hank and Lester — sitting together in repose. As I walked past, I actually thought to myself, “Isn’t that nice… The pups are finally growing up and settling down!”

I passed them again a couple of minutes later, and realized that something was very wrong with the situation. Somehow in their always exuberant playing, these two characters had not only completely tangled up their lines but had actually gotten them clipped together! The more I tried to free them the more they struggled, of course, and it took me a while to get them undone. Sure enough, as soon as they were free they went right back to their game. I decided it was a good idea to shorten their tethers just a bit… So much for the pups growing up and settling down!

One Response

  • Mac, thank you for taking care of a truly dangerous situation. I appreciate you checking the situation out more closely and taking the necessary action. You done good, Man. REAL good!!!

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