Something I didn’t mention in “We’re Back To Running Dogs!” is that another part of my “filming strategy” for the day was to mount a camera — yes, my “shock and waterproof” new Olympus 1030 SW — on Aliy’s sled and to have her “shoot back” from the other side of the camera.

My original idea was to edit the clips together and make a back-and-forth video for you. Unfortunately, that kind of editing requires skills that are pretty far beyond my abilities. So, I had to go with the “one-sided” video that you saw the other day.

But, Aliy had gotten some really great footage — to which she had added some very interesting narration along the way — and I didn’t want it to go to waste. So, I’ve taken part of her footage and edited it into this video for you.

For purposes of “artistic consistency” I’ve used the same great Hobo Jim song, so maybe you can imagine what it would have looked like if I’d been able to edit the videos as I first imagined.

Mostly, though, I think you’ll enjoy just riding along as “Aliy shoots back!”

(Note: Along the way you will see that because I cannot be in two places at one time — and because I can barely drive the 4-wheeler faster than the dogs can run! — Aliy had to stop the team to give me a chance to drive up ahead of them. I was really hustling the whole time, and when she got back to the Kennel I told her that if I’m going to do much of this “on the trail” filming I’m going to need a driver!)

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