Aliy, Allen, Bridgett and Scotty returned from the first overnight training run late last night. Bridgett handed me her camera this morning and said, “I took some pictures and video on the trip. Maybe you can do something with them for the Dog Log.”

After an initial look at the media, my first thought was to see if I could get Bridgett to do a narrative voice-over for it. But, after simply dropping it all into a movie timeline it seemed to me the media tells the story pretty well all on its own:

A family of four packs forty dogs and their gear into trucks, drives to a remote location in the Alaskan Interior, then mushes into the evening. They all camp out over night, then hit the trails hard all the next day. The scenery is beautiful, the dogs are magnificent and the family is happy doing something they all love together.

What could be more straightforward than that?

So, I just took a fabulous song called “The Journey” by my good friend Stephen Jacob and laid it in as a soundtrack. The result seemed perfect to me and Bridgett agreed, so here it is: A “music video” of the first overnight training run at SP Kennel

Thanks, Bridgett, you rock!

(Note: This video is something a little different from what I have been posting recently, and I am curious about whether you like it. Please leave a comment to let me know if you like “something a little different” — even a little “artsy” — from time to time, or if you’d like me to stick with the “normal” documentary kind of stuff.)

Follow-up Note: As you’ve probably noticed, YouTube did a very poor job of converting my video to their format and it looks really, really bad. I’m sorry about this, but there’s nothing I can do to control how YouTube does things. So, as an alternative for those of you who have reasonably hi-speed internet and a reasonably recent version of QuickTime, you can stream the hi-quality video directly from my server by clicking here.

3 Responses

  • As you pointed out, You Tube did indeed butcher the work, but the link was great. I’d love some voice over to give the shots context and maybe when there are shots of a single dog or two, the name of the dog in the frame. It would be great to be able to recognize their markings.

  • Ditto what Eric said about You Tube vs. your link. LOVED Stephan’s song!!! I may have to buy the CD!

    Here’s a thought….Adding a map to the sight showing various points like where the kennel is, where different training runs are if they’re not near the kennel, showing where the various races are would be nice.

    Fellow Dog Lover

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