I can tell you from direct observation — and some participation — that operating a large kennel, caring for the dogs, training and racing requires an astonishing amount of work. In the entire time I’ve been around Allen and Aliy, I’ve never heard them complain. Not about the hard work, the grueling schedule, the lack of sleep or even the punishing physical conditions. Somehow they seem to take it all in stride and “just do it.”

While getting ready for their “full dress rehearsal” run last week before the Sheep Mountain race, however, I heard just a tiny bit of griping. So, I fired up my camera and asked “What’s up?”

The resulting video offers a pretty good insight into the “necessary evil” aspects of putting booties on the dogs, and explains why mushers boo booties. It also gives you a nice little glimpse of some friendly — yet competitive — banter between Allen and Aliy.

So, here’s another “inside look” that I hope you will enjoy:

One Response

  • Great video demo of putting booties on! My back started hurting just from watching Allen and Aliy! What if you would use a small 1 ft tall foot stool to sit on while you bootied? I use this when I give my fur kids a bath with a collar and neckline attached to the kennel chainlink to limit their movement. Used to put them on a grooming table to bathe them standing up but switched to the sit down stool method. Just a thought. Have you used Bag Balm ointment on their paws? Thanks for sharing your insights and your videos Mac!

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