Aliy took several short videos during her nine days on the Iditarod trail. There are 20 in the series, many are quite short but we thought you would enjoy them over the next few weeks.

This video is taken soon after leaving Shageluk, where many teams took their 8 hour mandatory rest during the 2018 race. There had been blizzard winds in the area for over 12 hours. Therefore the trail to the west of Shageluk that traverses many exposed wind blown marshes was a challenge for every dog team. In this video, there are already several inches of blown over snow on the trail and Aliy’s dog team wasn’t that far behind the team in front.

Note: The numbers on the Youtube videos got a little out of synch here, don’t worry, you haven’t missed video 8

6 Responses

  • Thank you for sharing another great video! Alaska certainly has beautiful scenery!

  • That wind sounds wicked! Sure is some flat topography there in the interior! Bet it us a wet swamp about now with LOTs of skeeters!

  • What wind! Wow. Thank you for sharing this with us. Bad wind in the winter temps – ugh!
    Go Red Team! They seem to be taking it all in stride – with the help of their 2-legged leader encouraging them on!

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