Aliy took several short videos during her nine days on the Iditarod trail. There are 20 in the series, many are quite short but we thought you would enjoy them over the next few weeks.

This video is taken in the vast rolling hills just prior to reaching Don’s Cabin. This cabin was restored just a couple years ago and now has a working wood stove (yay!) and was a common rest stop between Ophir and Iditarod. When Allen arrived at the cabin the door would not close so he and Al Eichsen’s found some wood, an old bow saw and some nails. They fixed the door of the old place so the heat stayed indoors. Good thing since a half a dozen other mushers were staying at the cabin then.

Notice the GORGEOUS with the sunrise just behind the dog team.

Note: The numbers on the Youtube videos got a little out of synch here, don’t worry, you haven’t missed video 6

5 Responses

  • Wow! That sunrise is gorgeous!
    Mushing sled dogs along the Iditarod Trail must be one of the most beautiful places to be.
    Thank you for sharing this video!

  • GORGEOUS! I miss winter already! Looks like the Team is moving nicely along there. Good thing Allen has some good carpentry skills to fix that door…much appreciated I’m sure! Always nice to hear the little inside stories about traveling the trail!

  • Thanks for the video and story of Allen & Al fixing the door. It is not just for their warmth
    but others. Thanks Allen & Aliy for the great video!

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