Here’s a few images from the Meet The Musher event in Nome this afternoon.

With Champ Joar
Great map of Nome

Signing a beautiful print of SPK dogs!
“Finish Line” by V Rae

Aliy in the “Norwegian Corner” with Lars, Magnus and Ketil
Look who I found! Julien Schroder at the Iditarod!

10 Responses

  • Those are all great pictures!!! 😃 Thank you for sharing them! I’m glad you all had a fun time and I hope the doggies are doing well!
    -Sarah, from Summerfield, NC

  • What a wonderful smile, Aliy! You are such a good sport and an inspiration to every competitor in every endeavor. Enjoy your celebration of the sport you love!

  • Cool picture of Joar and Aliy. Yesterday I was looking at some Insider videos from several years back and one of them was about “rookie Joar Ulsom”. Just look at him now, an ID Champion! Love the Finish Line poster. Also enjoyed the pics and videos in the previous posts. I’m glad there some Aliy-cam videos to share….it helps with post-season withdrawal. Safe travels to all as you make your way back to Anchorage, then Two Rivers.

  • Great photos! Looks like a great event! And Julien got some great candids, as always. Love his work. The print of the dogs is awesome! Shows their happy exuberance.

  • These are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for bringing us along.
    My favorite pics would be the Finish Line print and the two champions Joar and Aliy!
    Thank you team SPK.

  • What a great bunch of posts. THANK YOU! It was fun to see the video of the finish and then the Chipper and Dutch walk – what fun. Thanks so much for sharing. I love the map of Nome. And the print of the dogs. And the beautiful SPK doggies, all relaxing after their long journey. I hope the Black Team 4-leggeds make is safely back home and all of the rest of you, too. What a race, eh? And what a season! Go SPK!

  • Looks like a packed house at the Meet the Musher gathering….always a great time! Nome certainly is a happening place right about now! Very cool print for signing! LOL… finally a picture ofJulien Schroder…and of course, he is taking pictures!

    • I used to spend my summers on long lake, 1947 to 1954. Camp is gone long time ago. I was last there with my brother in 1955. I was in Alaska for 30 years nliving on the edge of the Bush. Now that was a wilderness. I knew Aliy pretty well over my time with the Yukonquest. She has done more for mushing with her attitude than any one that I know. Allan too! Nessmith read a lot of books with that name
      On them. Happy trails!

  • Great pictures–ditto to Becky’s comments. Joar and Aliy true champs! Aliy spreads
    her contagious smile and positive attitude. Thanks SP Kennel & Crew!

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