Now that the ‘Dog Page’ on the Dog Log is somewhat unavailable on line, it is not as easy to follow the stories while looking at the individual dog portraits and stats. We hope to fix that when the new website comes on line. But… until then: Who is currently in training?
We have been training 4 to 6 teams in the mornings. We are up and harnessing before daylight (sunrise was 6:50AM this morning.) The temperatures have been between 38 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Certainly not cold, but manageable with water breaks.
One dog who is not training with SP Kennel this season is Mac.
Mac moved in with Wes and Wendy during last season when it became obvious that his overheating issue was a long term condition. A true bummer for the SP Kennel race enthusiast. But, a awesome pet dog addition for the Brightmans. And although Mac might miss his time running in harness, he clearly enjoys his solo playtime, constant ear rubs and special attention.
From Wes and Wendy:
“Big Mac”, “Mac-a-doodle”, “Mac Daddy”. Everyone seems to have their own name for the popular and biggest dog in the SP Kennel yard. It’s amazing to see how small he was once upon a time. This spring, Aliy and Allen decided it was time for Mac to retire from racing.
Mac has had a wonderful career, retiring with three Yukon Quest championships and Iditarod top finishes under his harness. We were very excited to welcome Mac to our 5 acre farm. He starts each day with a morning patrol around the borders of the farm, checking on the overnight activities of the fox, moose, grouse, or squirrels; sniffing the peony flowers to see if they are ready for harvest. This is followed by a brisk run down the dog sled trail and around the moose pond. After breakfast, it’s a nap in the sun on the rug.
On very special days, (hot, sunny, summer days), Mac enjoys a swim in the pond. Yes, I did say “swim”. Generally, Alaskan Huskies aren’t crazy about getting wet. So what a surprise, when a few summers ago, Mac plunged into the water swimming after Tig the Labrador. Apparently he spent several summer walks watching Tig swim in the slough and thought it would be a great thing to try. Mac’s athletic build, large paws, and competitive nature make it a very entertaining sport for him.
Two weeks ago was special as Mac turned 8 years old on August 21. To celebrate, Mac had a trip to the pond, where he enjoyed a cool swim and a game of fetch. We are impressed with his diving skills, and included a video for you to admire.
Fall training has already started. Dog teams go past our house often. Mac watches each one, studying their technique, and barking out critiques to the young pups. We aren’t sure how he’ll react to a full season of watching teams on the trail, yet he seems quite content watching from a rug in the warm house. – Wendy/Wes
What a leap into the pond! Mac deserves this GREAT HOME with
Wes & Wendy. Thanks for the days to come with this fantastic
SP Dog. Job well done Mac!
WOW. Impressive leap into the water Mac! Swim dogs swim? Dogs were made to swim? Swimming down the trail? Lead on Mac Daddy, lead on?
It looks like Tig taught him well..excellent technique! Of course, when it comes to fetching and swimming there isn't a much better teacher than a lab. Now if he starts asking for tennis balls….Happy retirement, Mac!! Good dog! Regards, Metta
Beautiful vdeo.
Thank you for sharing this update on awesome Mac.
Love Olympic Swimmer Mac!!!
I think this a lovely way for him to retire and thank you Wes and Wendy!!!
What a lot of fun to watch that big husky being a water dog. His pa likes it cooler too, often preferring to sit, and even sleep on the deck in spring temperatures.
I am happy he is settling in with you folks.
Mac Daddy! Buddy….you look like a beaver swimming around the pond! Love the slo-mo leap into the water….what a powerful dog! Bummer about the overheating…but your retirement looks pretty fun….Wendy does give the best ear rubs….and Wes can teach you all about growing peonies, and you are just a stones throw from your buddies at SPK….you done good Mac Daddy!
I am so glad I saw Mac Daddy run in Iditarod 2015! He is a force! Now in retirement he can share his knowledge with the younger dogs running by! Enjoy your retirement Big Mac! Don't forget to ask your people for toys!
Amazing! It is awesome, that the world still has great people, who really care about the dogs. Live life to the max MAC. You certainly deserve it.
W & W
You 2 are the best!
Looks like Mac is having a great retirement with Wes and Wendy !!!!