We just received a few photo updates from the crew in Glennallen!

The dogs enjoy a stretch upon their arrival in Glennallen yesterday.

While veterinarians check out the dogs, Aliy visits with a next-generation musher and Allen has a pep talk with a few of his teammates.

Early this morning, the dogs are ready for a big breakfast to start race day!

We will do our best to keep you posted… Go SPK!!!

6 Responses

  • It looks like they are listening to you Allan.
    GO get 'EM.

    What a cutie pie, next gen musher.

    Have fun dogs and all!!!

  • Wonderful report, captioned photos that really give the flavor of the place, Macgellan!!!

    And it looks as if the 2016 Black Team "Young Bloods" is respectfully appreciating "Hollywood" (having spent the hours previous inside the new, luxe, dog cabins)…

    BIG RED has wall to wall reflections of THE GREAT ONES running in the CB300 this year!

    Woof, woof!!! Can't wait for analysis of the race from Macgellan a.k.a. HIMSELF!

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